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Studying for a DPhil at NDORMS – from the perspective of a supervisor and a student!
We often hear that NDORMS is particularly strong in bringing together different research disciplines. Associate Professor Sarah Snelling and three of her current and former students share their experiences of the DPhil programme within an interdisciplinary team.
Thinking of studying at NDORMS?
Professor Stephanie Dakin, group leader of the Dakin lab group, reflects on what she's learnt as a supervisor to DPhil and MSc(Res) students over the past decade.
Reflections on my halfway PhD experience at Oxford University!
Ruth Nanjala, Kennedy DPhil student, former VP of the Oxford Africa Society and all round superstar tells us about her Oxford experience halfway through her PhD.
From research to recitals!
Botnar DPhil student Sophia Abusamra shares her experience of playing with the Oxford University Philharmonia and the Oxford Festival Orchestra, and reflects on how it's helped her balance her studies with her hobby.
A look through the lens at the life of a DPhil student and photographer
Rakhshan is a third year DPhil student at the Botnar Institute. His research looks at implementing the world’s first national patient-reported outcome measurement programme for gender affirming care. He tells us about how photography has developed from being a hobby into a way of balancing his DPhil work.
Using your professional development days - Carla's story
Carla Cohen shares her experience of the RisingWISE programme for women in science and engineering.
My experience of bronchoscopy as a patient on the Oxford Airways Study
Despite initial anxiety, Alison Ambrose had a bronchoscopy as part of the Oxford Airways Study and would recommend volunteering to help research efforts into the condition.
Young International Cell Senescence Association symposium
Loren and Maria, two DPhil students at the Botnar, share their experience of helping organise the Young International Cell Senescence Association symposium.
Our World From Space X Ageing beyond Earth
The Alsaleh group participates in the national STEM programme, ‘Our World From Space’, hosted at the Museum of Natural History.
The first OPEN ARMS open day!
Friday 19 May 2023 saw the first OPEN ARMS open day at the Botnar Institute for Musculoskeletal Sciences. 25 members of the public and several researchers attended. Judi (one of the OPEN ARMS committee members) and Patient and Public Involvement Coordinator Louise Hailey tell us more.
Giving ACL injury the red card!
With women 6 times more likely to suffer an ACL injury in sport, I went along to see how consultants from Oxford are training sports coaches nationally in a preventative warm-up programme.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023
Saturday 11 February marks International Day of Women and Girls in Science. To celebrate, we asked NDORMS people to share their female science icons with us!