Watt Group | Translational Research in Osteoarthritis
Research Group, Kennedy Institute
Can new tests and treatments be developed for OA?
Theme lead, OA Centre
Fiona Watt
B.Med.Sci, MBBS, PhD, FRCP
Departmental Senior Research Fellow
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellow
- Honorary consultant rheumatologist, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Fiona is an Associate Professor at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, NDORMS at the University of Oxford and was appointed as an honorary consultant rheumatologist at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford in 2013. She leads the Clinical Translation theme within the Centre for Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis funded by Versus Arthritis. In 2019 she was awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship.
She has a PhD in cartilage biochemistry from Imperial College London, and completed specialist training in rheumatology in West London. She has first class honours degrees for both B.Med.Sci and MBBS from University of Newcastle-Upon Tyne.
Her research interest is in the diagnosis, stratification and treatment of osteoarthritis.
She is Musculoskeletal Disorders Research Advisory Group lead for Versus Arthritis, and also a clinical spokeswoman for the charity. Fiona won an OARSI Young Investigator award in 2014 and the British Society for Rheumatology's Michael Mason Prize in 2016 for her work on biomarkers of joint injury.
Key publications
Watt FE. et al, (2013), Arthritis rheum, 65, 397 - 407
Watt FE. et al, (2016), Arthritis rheumatol, 68, 2129 - 2140
Kingsbury SR. et al, (2016), Rheumatology (oxford), 55, 1394 - 1402
Watt FE. et al, (2014), Rheumatology (oxford), 53, 1142 - 1149
Watt FE., (2016), Maturitas, 83, 13 - 18
Recent publications
Garriga C. et al, (2021), Lancet rheumatol, 3, e648 - e658
Jansen MP. et al, (2021), Applied sciences, 11
Mason D. et al, (2021), J orthop res
Post-traumatic OA (PTOA): what have we learned to advance osteoarthritis?
WATT F., (2020), Current opinion in rheumatology
Jansen M. et al, (2020), Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 79, 797 - 798