Sally Hopewell
MSc, DPhil
Professor of Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis
- Theme Lead for Clinical Trials
My key areas of research expertise are in the design, conduct and transparent reporting of randomized trials and systematic reviews. I have published a number of research studies in these areas and have been instrumental in the development of key reporting guidelines including the CONSORT and SPIRIT Statements.
In my current role I am involved in leading the design and delivery of clinical trials within the OCTRU portfolio. I am co-chief investigator on several NIHR funded trials in the areas of rehabilitation and musculoskeletal sciences and co-investigator on a number of other NIHR funded trials and evidence syntheses.
Previously, I worked at the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (2007 – 2015) on an MRC-funded programme of research related to CONSORT and the conduct and reporting of clinical trials. I also worked, and continue to collaborate with, the Centre d’Epidemiologie Clinique (2012 – present), University Paris Descartes, on research activities related to the methodology of systematic reviews and randomized trials. Prior to this I worked at the UK Cochrane Centre (2004 – 2012) and with the NHS National Blood Service (2010 – 2012) systematic review programme. In 2005, I was awarded a D.Phil at the University of Oxford on research into the effects of unpublished data in systematic reviews.
I have a particular interest in clinical trial registration, data sharing, transparent reporting of trial protocols, development of core outcome sets, pilot trials and trials of complex interventions. I am a member of the advisory board for Current Controlled Trials, a member of the NIHR Open Research Advisory Board and member of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Clinical Evaluation and Trials Board (2018-2023). I regularly carry out peer review for high impact medical journals and various funding bodies (e.g. NIHR and Medical Research Council).
I have considerable experience in the teaching and supervision of MSc and DPhil students both at the University of Oxford and Université Paris Descartes; and previously for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
Key publications
Hopewell S. et al, (2022), Nat med
Hopewell S. et al, (2021), Lancet, 398, 416 - 428
Orkin AM. et al, (2021), Jama
Howick J. et al, (2020), Plos med, 17
Juszczak E. et al, (2019), Jama, 321, 1610 - 1620
Sterne JAC. et al, (2019), Bmj, 366
Recent publications
Welsh A. et al, (2024), Bmc geriatr, 24
Duran M. et al, (2024), J clin epidemiol, 176
Silva FM. et al, (2024), Clin nutr, 43, 1626 - 1635
Clarke M. et al, (2024), J r soc med, 117, 212 - 216
Hopewell S. et al, (2024), Bmj open, 14
Tunn R. et al, (2024), J clin epidemiol, 169
Berner JE. et al, (2024), Rheumatology (oxford)
Smith TO. et al, (2023), Bmj open, 13
Kahan BC. et al, (2023), Jama, 330, 2106 - 2114
Kahan BC. et al, (2023), Jama netw open, 6
Welsh A. et al, (2023), Bmj open, 13
Yap C. et al, (2023), Bmj, 383
Yap C. et al, (2023), Bmj, 383
Sabah SA. et al, (2023), J bone joint surg am, 105, 1611 - 1621
Sabah SA. et al, (2023), Syst rev, 12
Solovyeva O. et al, (2023), Bmc med, 21
Silva FM. et al, (2023)
Speich B. et al, (2023), Jama netw open, 6
Hopewell S. et al, (2023), Nihr open research, 2, 28 - 28
Mellor K. et al, (2023), Pilot feasibility stud, 9
Nicolson PJA. et al, (2023), Pilot feasibility stud, 9
Espinasse A. et al, (2023), Bmj open, 13
Silva F. et al, (2023), Jmir res protoc, 12
Bond C. et al, (2023), Pilot feasibility stud, 9
Mellor K. et al, (2023), Trials, 24
Nejstgaard CH. et al, (2023), J clin epidemiol
CONSORT 2010 Statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomized trials
Schulz KF. et al, (2023), Japanese pharmacology and therapeutics, 51, 1891 - 1899
Silva FM. et al, (2022), Bmj open, 12
Keene DJ. et al, (2022), Bmj open, 12
Mellor K. et al, (2022), Trials, 23
Siegfried NL. et al, (2022), Trials, 23
Silva F. et al, (2022)
Hopewell S. et al, (2022), Nat med
Hopewell S. et al, (2022), Health technol assess, 25, 159 - 160
Saul H. et al, (2022), Bmj, 378
Speich B. et al, (2022), Trials, 23
Almoajil H. et al, (2022), Dev med child neurol
Schönenberger CM. et al, (2022), J clin epidemiol
Gryaznov D. et al, (2022), Bmj open, 12
Hopewell S. et al, (2022), Nihr open research, 2, 28 - 28
Nicolson PJ. et al, (2022), Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 30, S197 - S198
Speich B. et al, (2022), Plos med, 19
Mellor K. et al, (2022), Trials, 23
Almoajil H. et al, (2022), Health expect
Almoajil H. et al, (2022), Disability and rehabilitation, 1 - 8
Yap C. et al, (2022), Nat med
Hopewell S. et al, (2022), Principles and Practice of Clinical Trials, 2073 - 2087
Smith T. et al, (2021), Bone jt open, 2, 909 - 920
Speich B. et al, (2021), Jama netw open, 4
Sabah SA. et al, (2021), Bmj open, 11
Lee H. et al, (2021), Jama, 326, 1045 - 1056
Nicolson PJA. et al, (2021), J aging phys act, 1 - 18
Dean BJF. et al, (2021), Rheumatology (oxford), 60, 4094 - 4102
Cook JA. et al, (2021), Pilot feasibility stud, 7
Hopewell S. et al, (2021), Health technol assess, 25, 1 - 158
Hopewell S. et al, (2021), Health technol assess, 25, 1 - 158
Hopewell S. et al, (2021), Lancet, 398, 416 - 428
Cureton L. et al, (2021), Trials, 22
Randomised study within a trial (SWAT) to evaluate personalised versus standard text
message prompts for increasing trial participant response to postal questionnaires
CURETON L. et al, (2021), Trials
When Factorial Design Randomized Control Trials are no plain sailing
MARIAN I. et al, (2021)
Challenges in Factorial Design Randomized Control Trials
MARIAN I. et al, (2021)
Mellor K. et al, (2021), Bmj open, 11
Orkin AM. et al, (2021), Jama
Lohner S. et al, (2021), J clin epidemiol
Clarke MJ. et al, (2021), Cochrane database syst rev, 4
Khan MIU. et al, (2021), Pilot feasibility stud, 7
Cohen JF. et al, (2021), Bmj, 372
Speich B. et al, (2021), J clin epidemiol, 131, 70 - 78
Fordham B. et al, (2021), Health technol assess, 25, 1 - 378
Cook JA. et al, (2021), Health technol assess, 25, 1 - 138
Desborough MJR. et al, (2021), Journal of modern oncology, 23, 635 - 636
Dean BJF. et al, (2020), Rheumatology (oxford)
Baldwin M. et al, (2020), Bmj open, 10
Almoajil H. et al, (2020), J child orthop, 14, 562 - 573
Hopewell S. et al, (2020), Br j sports med, 54, 1340 - 1350
Gryaznov D. et al, (2020), Trials, 21
Marian IR. et al, (2020), Trials, 21
Howick J. et al, (2020), Plos med, 17
Cashin AG. et al, (2020), Bmj evid based med
Kasenda B. et al, (2020), Trials, 21
Sherrington C. et al, (2020), Br j sports med, 54, 885 - 891
Estcourt LJ. et al, (2020), Cochrane database syst rev, 7
Estcourt LJ. et al, (2020), Cochrane database syst rev, 7
Khan MI. et al, (2020), Bmj open, 10
Almoajil H. et al, (2020), Dev med child neurol
Dimairo M. et al, (2020), Trials, 21
Abram SGF. et al, (2020), Br j sports med, 54, 652 - 663
Odutayo A. et al, (2020), Int j epidemiol, 49, 968 - 978
Keene DJ. et al, (2020), Physiotherapy, 107, 252 - 266
Craig RS. et al, (2020), Cochrane database syst rev, 4
Cohen JF. et al, (2020), J clin epidemiol
Estcourt LJ. et al, (2020), Cochrane database syst rev, 4
Speich B. et al, (2020), Bmj open, 10
Almoajil H. et al, (2020), Bmj open, 10
Cashin AG. et al, (2020), Bmc med res methodol, 20
Estcourt LJ. et al, (2020), Cochrane database of systematic reviews
Design, Analysis and Reporting of Multi-Arm Trials and Strategies to Address Multiple Testing
ODUTAYO A. et al, (2019), International journal of epidemiology
Huber J. et al, (2019), Cochrane database syst rev, 11
Chauvin A. et al, (2019), Bmc med, 17
Keene DJ. et al, (2019), Bmj open, 9