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Improving Wrist Injury Pathways (I-WIP)
Wrist injuries are a big and common problem for patients and the NHS, with around 70,000 patients a year in the UK going to hospitals with wrist pain after an injury and normal x-rays.
Dendrou Group | Immune Disease Multiomics
Our research aims to compare inflammatory diseases and immunological responses across tissues, over time and upon perturbation for translational benefit, leveraging multiomic technologies.
The CELLOS Study
Development of a core outcome set for children’s elective lower limb orthopaedic surgery
This study has been designed following a James Lind Alliance Patient and Public Research Priority Setting Partnership, which identified the following question as a key research priority: “What are the best treatments to prevent and treat confusion and delirium after surgery in adults with a broken bone in the leg?”
Public perceptions of health data sharing for AI Research: the PHAIR study
The aim of this study is to explore what the UK public think about sharing their health data to develop and test artificial intelligence (AI).
Fullerton Group | Translational Pharmacology
The Translational Pharmacology group focuses on the use of human experimental medicine studies to achieve scientific insight for patient benefit.
With rapidly ageing populations in Asia, the number of patients at risk of hip fractures is increasing. Can a multidisciplinary training and support package ('HIPCARE') improve quality of life and reduce healthcare costs for patients with hip fracture?
With rapidly ageing populations in Asia, the number of patients at risk of hip fractures is increasing. Can a multidisciplinary training and support package ('HIPCARE') improve quality of life and reduce healthcare costs for patients with hip fracture?
A multi-centre prospective randomised superiority trial of conservative versus surgical treatment for displaced distal tibial fractures in children aged 8-15 years.
Progatzky Group | Peripheral glia and immunity
Our research aims to elucidate the role of peripheral glial cells in tissue health and disease.
The Big BOSS Study- The British Orthopaedic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) Surgery Study for Severe Stable Slips. A multi-centre prospective randomised superiority trial of an acute deformity correction versus pinning in-situ for severe stable SCFE in children.
Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that causes weaker bones that break after a fall and lead to chronic severe pain and life-changing complications. There are treatments available that strengthen bones and lower the chance of another fracture. Many hospitals have specialist teams dedicated to finding patients who have broken a bone to prevent the next fracture. We know breaking a bone in the spine, a spine fracture, is a critical sign of osteoporosis. However, most patients don't realise they have a spine fracture as they cause temporary back pain that is often ignored. We know that over three million people have scans that include the spine, for other reasons such as lung or bowel problems. Up to 1 in 20 scans could be showing there is a spine fracture. Currently, very few fractures are recognised or acted upon. This project will use an innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) software that automatically looks at existing CT scans to find these spine fractures and brings them directly to the specialist team's attention, to see if the patient needs bone-strengthening lifestyle advice and medicines. We call this an 'AI-enabled spine fracture pathway'. We will show that using the pathway will improve patient health and reduce costs to hospitals using multiple methods.
Ancestrally Inclusive Musculoskeletal Single-cell (AIMS) Network
Creating a global atlas of the musculoskeletal system
Ancestrally Inclusive Musculoskeletal Single-cell (AIMS) Network
Creating a global atlas of the musculoskeletal system