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Njoki Njuki


Data Analyst

Biostatistician working with real-world data applied to health economics research.

My favourite quote is: “If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.” Ronald H. Coase.

I am a Biostatistician working as a Data Analyst in the Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) team. My role involves handling real-world data collected from extensive observational datasets such as CPRD and HES to inform decision analytic models and economic evaluations. This entails performing tasks like data cleaning, quality checks, and conducting both descriptive and inferential statistics.

My expertise lies in statistical techniques such as those used for survival and longitudinal analyses, and their practical applications in software like R and SAS. I enjoy creating reproducible R Markdown or Quarto files to document data preparation and analysis as well as user-friendly applications using R-Shiny. Additionally, I volunteer as an organiser for the R-Ladies Nairobi chapter, promoting gender diversity in the R community. I have recently joined the Oxford R User Group.

My research journey began in Kenya, where I pursued a BSc in Biostatistics. Currently, I am pursuing a part-time MSc in Statistics and Data Science, specialising in Biostatistics through distance learning at Hasselt University, Belgium. My goal is to pursue a PhD.

I am passionate about learning topics in statistics and R programming, and I enjoy applying and testing my knowledge through various personal projects. For instance, I am developing an R Package to streamline the cleaning of epidemiological research data, simplifying the process compared to using multiple R packages.

In my free time I also enjoy capturing nature’s beauty through photography, reading books on Rastafari, colours, gender issues, and crime novels. And when I need relaxation, racing cars in games does the trick!