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Painful Knee Illustration. 3D render

Registeration opening soon!

Course Information

Course Description:

The aim of this course is to develop core statistical skills for interpreting clinical and epidemiological data. It will provide knowledge of statistical methods and study design used in medical research. The course will enable participants to develop the skills needed to analyse data for their own research projects.


  1. Develop core statistical skills for interpreting clinical and epidemiological data
  2. Provide knowledge of statistical methods and study design used in medical research
  3. Enable participants to develop the skills needed to analyse data for their own research projects


No prior statistical knowledge is assumed for this course. The course is designed for anyone who requires a basic understanding of clinical research and data analysis. It will enable non-statisticians to interpret medical research and undertake their own research studies.



Course Dates:

Tuesday 12th November 2024 09:00-16:00 and Wednesday 13th November 2024  09:15-16:00


In- person Sessions only


Room G54 and Room G38, Botnar Research Centre, windmill Road, Headington, Oxford, Ox3 7LD.

Booking Information: 


For any question or further information, please email Mahkameh Mafi