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Undergraduate students in the laboratory

NDORMS provides opportunities for medical and biomedical undergraduate students to perform research projects as part of their Final Honours Scheme (FHS) programme. This section outlines opportunities and supervisors that are open to research projects.

Final Honours Scheme (FHS) Research Projects at NDORMS

As part of the Final Honours Scheme (FHS), medical and biomedical sciences students are required to undertake a research project hosted by a university department. They are hosted in year 2 of their undergraduate studies which aims to equip students with scientific research skills. This page provides a brief outline of the research project component of the FHS and how NDORMS supports FHS students.

Information for supervisors

Medical and biomedical sciences undergraduate students are required to perform a research project at a host department. The projects run from the first (biomedical sciences students) or third week of trinity term (medical students) and will last for a total of 8 weeks (8 weeks full time or equivalent part-time e.g. 16 weeks at half time). In addition to group leaders, the scheme is a great opportunity for early career researchers to gain experience in supervision/co-supervision.

If you would like to host an FHS student for a research project please make sure you are familiar with the Guidance for supervisors.

Briefly, as a supervisor you must ensure that:

  • You are eligible to supervise a research project (e.g. graduate students cannot supervise FHS students alone but can act as co-supervisor).
  • The research project consists of original experiments and/or data analysis and is appropriate for the time frame.
  • Access and training for equipment necessary for the project is provided.
  • You (or someone you have delegated) can provide necessary support and guidance throughout the project and can meet regularly with the student.
  • You are able to provide critical feedback on at least one draft of the student’s written report (4,500 word write-up). This is submitted in Trinity term of the following year.
  • You do not supervise/co-supervise more than 3 students at any given time.

As a supervisor you will be paid for the time spent supervising an FHS student at a rate that is equivalent to 8 single tutorials at the standard rate as set by the Senior Tutors Committee of the Conference of Colleges (across Trinity and Hilary terms).

Key dates for FHS research projects starting in 2025

Be advised that these dates are approximate.

October 2024: Potential NDORMS supervisors are contacted by the NDORMS director of undergraduate studies for expressions of interest in hosting students.

November 2024: Details of supervisors who are open to contact are posted here.

November 2024: Students receive an introductory session on FHS research projects.

November 2024-February 2025: Students seek supervisors for a project.

March 2025: Student submits Submission of Request to Seek Approval of a Research Project.

April 2025: Provided neccessary approvals are met, research project can begin.

Information for students

NDORMS is a thriving research environment with a large team of researchers that has expertise in a broad range of areas, including orthopaedic surgery, inflammation, immunology, rheumatology, medical statistics, epidemiology, data science and clinical trials. Research spans discovery and translational science and as such is able to offer a breadth of research projects to FHS students within the department. If you are interested in developing a research topic within the department, please see below a list of supervisors that are able to facilitate a placement starting in Trinity term 2024.

 Supervisors available in NDORMS for 2025

Supervisor General description Experimental/computational Group webpage Contact
Linyi Zhu Molecular Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis Experimental
Cynthia Srikesavan Rehabilitation/Physiotherapy/Outcome measures Experimental
Stephanie Dakin Soft tissue joint disease (tendinopathy, frozen shoulder, knee arthrofibrosis) Experimental and computational
James Fullerton Experimental medicine: human immune challenges to understand physiology and pharmacology Experimental
Roel De Maeyer Immunosenescence and inflammation Experimental
Gianluca Fabiano Health economics using real-world data Computational
Danielle Newby Generating real world evidence for young onset colorectal cancer Computational
Jack Tu Orthopaedics/Biomechanics: Knee joint assments with ultrasound Experimental and computational
Yoshifumi Itoh Cancer cell invasion Experimental
Claudia Monaco Immunity in cardiovascular disease with a focus on atherosclerosis Experimental
Claire Pearson/Nick Ilott Intestinal immunity and the microbiome Experimental and computational and
Ghada Alsaleh Ageing in the musculoskeletal system and beyond earth Experimental and computational
Kim Midwood Tissue biology - matrix, mechanics and the tumor microenvironment Experimental and computational
Adrien Hallou Tissue biology - mechanobiology of cell fate decisions and dynamics of epithelial tissues Experimental and computational
Linh Nguyen Immunity and the microbiota in Inflammation Bowel Disease Experimental
Richard Williams Kynurenine pathway and inflammation Experimental
Eleanor Stride Patient acceptibility of ultrasound drug delivery Computational
Daniel Prieto Alhambra Health data sciences: generating 'real world evidence' at scale using international data Computational
Sarah Snelling Multiomic approaches to understanding and treating benign and malignant musculoskeletal diseases Experimental and Computational




What previous students say about their time here

The Kennedy has an incredible team that supports you throughout your project, providing support as and when needed! They are friendly and welcoming! - FHS Student 2023

Any questions? Please contact Nick Ilott.