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The accelerated set up of the new Clinical Research Facility.

Whilst life is returning to a semi-normal state for some people, things are moving at quite a pace with the new CRF.  Builders, electricians, gas engineers, plumbers, plasterers, painters, carpenters, floor fitters are all working double shifts to ensure our new clinical research facility can “open for business” in June.  There are hardhats, steel capped shoes and Hi-Viz vests everywhere…including my own!  Villageperson.jpg

Alongside the physical development of the facility, the operational development is moving along too.  There are multiple facets which are slowly coming together.

Sue and I are working with the team at Ridge & Partners, the University Estates Programme team and our own NDORMS orders team to procure the equipment and furniture.  Searching for the equipment specs provided by the OUH Trust we are fast learning to navigate our way around medical supply websites and deal with those sales reps.  We are also balancing the suppliers quick turn around (not always) of delivering items with ensuring the build team can accommodate the 5 hospital beds and mattresses in amongst the dust and rubble!  Quite a juggling act.

Service Level Agreements are being negotiated with the Trust and external providers.  The OUH Trust have been realistically helpful with providing clinical guidance where required and pointing out the common-sense approach to infection control measures.  

Electronically speaking, I am also working with the Joint Research Office to help develop a CRF Management system to manage the study portfolio.  Alongside this, with Martin Taylor and Joana Martins I am training on our new Quality Management System, iPassport – so any research group coming into the facility can read our SOPs at the push of a button.  I bet they are excited!  The OUH Trust have recently agreed we should have our own pathway and treatment function on their Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system.  The Go Digital team at the Trust were extremely supportive and will be working away to get this developed for June.

With the recent press release of the new COVCHIM study starting in Oxford, we are proud to say the CRF will be supporting the study.  Our facility will be open and systems ready to host this ground-breaking study and we are working with the team to ensure the study is safe and successful.

Although the facility will be “restricted access” during the COVCHIM study, we hope to be able to have some of our NDORMS colleagues over to have a socially distant catch up in the new garden area.  This is to be “made good” by the University Parks team once the building team move out!  Look out for your invite!