OCTRU/CSM Seminar: Encouraging use of adaptive designs in OCTRU
Philip Pallman and Lisa Hampson, Lancaster University, Adaptive Designs Working Group (ADWG)
Tuesday, 22 September 2015, 2.15pm to 3.15pm
Botnar Research Centre, Lecture Theatre
Adaptive clinical trial designs are designs in which the parameters of the design are changed as we go through the trial. This is done in a predetermined way based on accumulating data and it results in a trial that fits the actual clinical situation. Using adaptive designs improves the speed and efficiency of trials. Philip and Lisa will give an overview of available adaptive methods that are potentially useful for trials we are currently planning in OCTRU. They will show the applicability of adaptive methods in a way that appeals to all involved in clinical trials. Examples will include potential trials from the OCTRU cancer stream as well as trials from Lancaster.
To book a place, please email octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk