Staged Raising of a Coronal Flap for Fronto-Orbital Advancement and Remodeling in Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome Complicated by Sinus Pericranii.
Shaw AV., Jayamohan J., Sheerin F., Johnson D.
This article reports the surgical management of a 3-month-old girl with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, who presented with bicoronal synostosis and a large midline sinus pericranii with abnormal cerebral venous drainage via scalp veins. Raised intracranial pressure was demonstrated on monitoring, indicating the need for calvarial expansion necessitating a coronal access incision. A 2-staged delayed raising of the coronal flap was performed to reduce the potential risk of cerebral venous infarction. Monitoring for clinical sequelae and a computerised tomography venogram followed each of these procedures, demonstrating successful redirection of the venous drainage of the brain posteriorly. Finally, a successful fronto-orbital advancement and remodeling procedure was performed with no complications.