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RSTN COVID-19 Hand Recovery: Two years on, where are we now?

Shafi SQ. et al, (2024), J plast reconstr aesthet surg, 97, 237 - 244

Surgical site infection following surgery for hand trauma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Wormald JC. et al, (2023), J hand surg eur vol, 48, 998 - 1005

RSTN COVID Hand: Hand trauma in the United Kingdom and Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Shaw AV. et al, (2023), J plast reconstr aesthet surg, 84, 258 - 265

Adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of UK and European hand surgery units.

Shaw AV. et al, (2022), J plast reconstr aesthet surg, 75, 1682 - 1688

Outcome measurement in adult flexor tendon injury: A systematic review.

Shaw AV. et al, (2022), J plast reconstr aesthet surg, 75, 1455 - 1466

Coming out of the crisis: Restarting services after the coronavirus pandemic.

Shaw AV. et al, (2021), J plast reconstr aesthet surg, 74, 407 - 447

Change in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Shaping Plastic Surgery Services of the Future.

Shaw AV. et al, (2020), Plast reconstr surg, 146, 395e - 396e

Letter to the editor: Healthcare sustainability: The bigger picture.

Shaw AV. and Wormald JC., (2020), J plast reconstr aesthet surg, 73, 1357 - 1404

Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis.

Bhangu A. and RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative None., (2020), Br j surg, 107, 73 - 86

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