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Treating Older Children with Clubfoot: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey of Expert Practitioners.

Journal article

Drury G. et al, (2023), Int j environ res public health, 20

The global birth prevalence of clubfoot: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal article

Smythe T. et al, (2023), Eclinicalmedicine, 63

Time-dependent ECM alterations of young tendons in response to stress relaxation – a model for the Ponseti method

Journal article

Lee M-H. et al, (2023), Journal of the royal society interface

Global Health and surgery


Roy N. and LAVY C., (2023), Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery 28th edition, 250 - 253

The spine


Freeman BJC. and LAVY CBD., (2023), Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery 28th edition, 508 - 525

Identifying Research Priorities in Musculoskeletal Trauma Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Journal article

Graham SM. et al, (2022), Jbjs open access, 7


Journal article

Lavy C., (2022), Pediatric musculoskeletal infections: principles and practice, vii - viii

The Health Determinants of Accessibility to Clubfoot Treatment in LMICs: A Global Exploration of Barriers and Solutions

Journal article

Sheik-Ali S. et al, (2021), International journal of maternal and child health and aids (ijma), 10, 241 - 250

Cauda Equina Syndrome – A Practical Guide to Definition and Classification

Journal article

LAVY C. et al, (2021), International orthopaedics

Re: Evaluation andmanagement of cauda equina syndrome in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. 2020 38: 143-148

Journal article

Todd NV. and Lavy CBD., (2021), American journal of emergency medicine, 48, 335 - 335

Surgical care in district hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review.

Journal article

Bentounsi Z. et al, (2021), Bmj open, 11

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