Effectiveness of supervised versus self-directed rehabilitation for adults aged 50 years and over with ankle fractures: protocol for the AFTER trial.
Keene DJ. et al, (2024), Bone jt open, 5, 499 - 513
Being recovered: a qualitative study of parents' experience of their child's recovery up to a year after a displaced distal radius fracture.
Phelps EE. et al, (2024), Bone jt open, 5, 426 - 434
Stakeholder perspectives towards diagnostic artificial intelligence: a co-produced qualitative evidence synthesis.
Ling Kuo RY. et al, (2024), Eclinicalmedicine, 71
A qualitative study of clinicians' experience of a clinical trial for displaced distal radius fractures.
Phelps EE. et al, (2024), Bone jt open, 5, 324 - 334
The experiences of cardiac arrest survivors and their key supporters following cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-ethnography.
Southern C. et al, (2024), Resuscitation, 198
Development of a core outcome set for open lower limb fracture.
Aquilina AL. et al, (2023), Bone joint res, 12, 294 - 305
Understanding patient experience of distal tibia or ankle fracture: a qualitative systematic review.
Pearson NA. et al, (2023), Bone jt open, 4, 188 - 197
'It Makes Me Feel Old': Understanding the Experience of Recovery From Ankle Fracture at 6 Months in People Aged 50 Years and Over.
Tutton E. et al, (2023), Qual health res, 33, 308 - 320
The core outcomes for open lower limb fracture study. How should core outcomes be measured?
AQUILINA A. et al, (2023), Bone and joint research
Development of a core outcome set for open lower limb fracture; what core outcomes should be measured
AQUILINA A. et al, (2023), Bone and joint research
Progressive exercise versus best practice advice for adults aged 50 years or over after ankle fracture: the AFTER pilot randomised controlled trial.
Keene DJ. et al, (2022), Bmj open, 12
A systematic review of outcome reporting in clinical trials of distal tibia and ankle fractures : the need for a core outcome set.
Pearson NA. et al, (2022), Bone jt open, 3, 832 - 840
What outcomes have been reported on patients following open lower limb fracture, and how have they been measured?
AQUILINA A. et al, (2022), Bone and joint research
Protecting my injured child: a qualitative study of parents' experience of caring for a child with a displaced distal radius fracture.
Phelps EE. et al, (2022), Bmc pediatr, 22