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Reoperations after tarsal coalition resection: a population-based study.

Khoshbin A. et al, (2015), J foot ankle surg, 54, 306 - 310

Outcomes of infection following pediatric spinal fusion.

Khoshbin A. et al, (2015), Can j surg, 58, 107 - 113

Outcomes of infection following pediatric spinal fusion.

Khoshbin A. et al, (2015), Can j surg, 58, 006014 - 006014

The validity of level of evidence ratings of articles submitted to JBJS.

Hussain N. et al, (2015), J bone joint surg am, 97

Outcomes of bracing in juvenile idiopathic scoliosis until skeletal maturity or surgery.

Khoshbin A. et al, (2015), Spine (phila pa 1976), 40, 50 - 55

Simple bone cysts: better with age?

Donaldson S. and Wright JG., (2015), J pediatr orthop, 35, 108 - 114

Socioeconomic status and wait times for pediatric surgery in Canada.

Szynkaruk M. et al, (2014), Pediatrics, 134, e504 - e511

A simple strategy to reduce stereotype threat for orthopedic residents.

Gomez E. and Wright JG., (2014), Can j surg, 57, E19 - E24

Effects of bracing in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.

Dolan LA. et al, (2014), N engl j med, 370

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