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Does a myocardial infarction boost your (B cell) memory?

Monaco C. and Cole J., (2021), Eur heart j, 42, 948 - 950

Low shear stress induces M1 macrophage polarization in murine thin-cap atherosclerotic plaques.

Seneviratne AN. et al, (2015), J mol cell cardiol, 89, 168 - 172

Toll-like receptors in atherosclerosis: a 'Pandora's box' of advances and controversies.

Cole JE. et al, (2013), Trends pharmacol sci, 34, 629 - 636

M1 macrophages are an early feature of shear stress modulated vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques

Seneviratne AN. et al, (2013), European heart journal, 34, 443 - 443

Macrophage activation during chronic inflammation in atherosclerosis

Falck-Hansen MA. et al, (2012), Atherosclerosis, 225, e3 - e3

Macrophage polarisation in shear stress modulated atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability

Seneviratne AN. et al, (2012), Atherosclerosis, 225, e2 - e2

The role of Toll-like receptor-7 in arterial injury

Sivagurunathan B. et al, (2012), Journal of human hypertension, 26, 621 - 622

Macrophage heterogeneity in shear stress modulated atherosclerotic plaque development

Seneviratne AN. et al, (2012), Cardiovascular research, 93, S51 - S51

Unexpected protective role for Toll-like receptor 3 in the arterial wall.

Cole JE. et al, (2011), Proc natl acad sci u s a, 108, 2372 - 2377

Treating atherosclerosis: the potential of Toll-like receptors as therapeutic targets.

Cole JE. et al, (2010), Expert rev cardiovasc ther, 8, 1619 - 1635

The expression and functions of toll-like receptors in atherosclerosis.

Cole JE. et al, (2010), Mediators inflamm, 2010