Alireza Hasheminasab
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Translational Research
I am currently studying the applications of Machine Learning techniques in the fascinating field of pharmaco-epidemiology.
My PhD was around the analysis of security investment in interdependent networks. The research involves the investigation of the optimality of individual’s independent risk prevention decisions from a global point of view and the introduction of incentive-compatible mechanisms to motivate independent decision-makers to reach the global optimum. I also had the opportunity of strengthening my knowledge working under the supervision of Professor Tansu Alpcan at the University of Melbourne as a visiting researcher.
Apart from my academic experience, I have also enjoyed solving interesting interdisciplinary problems by applying computer science solutions as a computer engineer for more than 12 years.
Recent publications
Machine Learning for Risk Factor Identification and Cardiovascular Mortality Prediction Among Patients with Osteoporosis.
Hasheminasab SA. et al, (2023), Annu int conf ieee eng med biol soc, 2023, 1 - 4