James Smith
BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
My research interests lie in patient reported outcome measures (PROMs). I'm currently ACHE HTA Program Coordinator with the Knee Research Group. My other role as Data Manager in Professor Andrew Price’s team involves managing databases on outcome measures and creating datasets for analysis. I am involved in the Musculoskeletal Health questionnaire (MSK-HQ).
My skills include knowledge of SPSS, AMOS and STATA; knowledge of databases and statistical analysis methods. Checking and cleaning data, validating linkages and performing other checks.
My previous research has included conducting research on nurses, athletes, health and fitness members and recreational users. Topics of interest include, perceived quality, patient satisfaction, outcomes and loyalty.
Recent publications
Psychology and Sociology Applied to Medicine An Illustrated Colour Text
Teijlingen EV. and Humphris GM., (2018)
Smith S. et al, (2018), Br j health psychol, 23, 352 - 370
(2017), Health qual life outcomes, 15
Smith J. and Smith S., (2016), Leisure sciences: an interdisciplinary journal
Smith J. et al, (2014), Managing leisure, 19, 442 - 460