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Margaret Lingas

Assoc CIPD

Part-time Human Resources Assistant

I joined the University in September 2017 and have been part of the Human Resources team at NDORMS since November 2020.

As a Human Resources Assistant, I provide general personnel support to line managers, employees, and visitors across the Botnar, Kennedy, Kadoorie, NOC, and EMCRF.

I enjoy details and a good spreadsheet, so alongside the day-to-day recruiting, advising, and payroll, you may find me working on things like data management, process improvement/design (many HR processes are legally required, but *everyone* wins when they are less clunky), and TeamSeer troubleshooting.

When I’m not doing HR things, you can find me teaching a local youth choir, singing in concerts and recordings, cooking, kickboxing, and playing board games.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions – always happy to help!