Oxford Trauma and Emergency Care

What is the James Lind Alliance? |
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funds the infrastructure of the James Lind Alliance (JLA) to oversee the processes for Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs). More information can be found at http://www.jla.nihr.ac.uk/. |
How did the Partnership come about? |
Mr Steve Gwilym became interested in forming a PSP to identify important treatment uncertainties in the field of Broken Bones of the Upper Limb in People over 50. After securing support from the Orthopaedic Trauma Society and the British Orthopaedic Association, he approached the James Lind Alliance, who are providing expertise in PSP methodology. |
Who is involved in the Partnership? |
Organisations and individuals have been invited to join the PSP representing the following groups:
Can other organisations still get involved? |
We need to make sure that people know about the opportunity to take part in the national surveys and learn about the results of the project, and that funders are made aware of the Top 10 priorities. You can help by promoting the surveys and, at the end of the project, disseminating the report. |
How can organisations and the public find out more? |
For more information or to get involved, email the PSP Project Co-ordinator Laura Arnel at the University of Oxford, oxfordtrauma@ndorms.ox.ac.uk or call them on 01865 223114. |
What do you hope to achieve? |
We hope to identify the unanswered questions about lower limb fragility fractures from patients, carers and clinical perspectives and then prioritise those that all three groups agree are the most important. Our objectives are to:
How long will the project take? |
We hope to have finished by early 2019. |
How many survey responses are you hoping for? |
As many as possible. Previous PSP surveys in other fields have achieved anything from a few hundred responses to several thousand. |
Is my survey responses confidential? |
The information that you give will be anonymised (so your name will not be published and you will not be able to be identified from what you have told us). |
How is research currently funded and prioritised? |
Researchers and research funders predominantly determine which areas are researched. Often this is done with reference to current literature – to identify where the gaps in knowledge are. This is sometimes done with input from patients, carers, and health and social care professionals – although never in such a thorough and systematic way as will be achieved through this partnership. The PSP process will uniquely combine the input of patients, carers and clinicians with a search of the literature. |
What are the "Top 10" research priorities? |
These will emerge from an interim prioritisation survey and subsequently a final workshop. |
What will happen to the "Top 10" questions? |
The “Top 10” questions will be publicised and discussed at events where research funders will attend. The PSP will work with its stakeholders and Partners to raise awareness of the priorities and try to get them funded as research projects. The questions will be considered by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and other funding organisations when commissioning research. |