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Congratulations to Daniele Cotton winner of St Edmund Hall’s graduate research journal prize for his article ‘Jailbreak – Preventing Metastatic Cancer.’

Daniele Cotton

Daniele, a DPhil in Molecular and Cellular Medicine at NDORMS, is doing research to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms that cancer cells use to metastasise (i.e., grow and multiply to other sites in the body). He explains his research in his winning article 'Jailbreak – Preventing Metastatic Cancer', likening abnormal cells to prison inmates that manage to break free of their captors and seed new tumours elsewhere in the body.

Ex Aula is St Edmund Hall's graduate research journal which awards its Prize yearly via a multidisciplinary panel of SCR (Senior Common Room) members, who judge submissions according to the given year's criteria. For the 2023 prize, the prompt was for submissions to clarify "their broader societal relevance" and "to present their subject matter to a non-specialist audience."

Full details can be found on the St Edmund Hall website.