OCTRU Summer Meeting Workshop: Platform Trials - Mind the Gap
Amrita Athwal, Joanna Black, Malcolm Hart, OCTRU Stats
Thursday, 26 September 2024, 10am to 12pm
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, ND08
Hosted by octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk
This workshop is one in a series following on from the OCTRU Summer Meeting that took place on the 9th of July.
To cover the issues that have been encountered in running a platform trial, and ways to overcome issues when developing, setting up and delivering a platform trial.
This session will take place in person in Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, ND08.
Places are limited and must be booked.
Please email octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk to reserve your space. A University/NHS email address should be used when making your booking.