OCTRU Workshop (IT/STATS): Creating Your Data Matrix *ONLINE* - CANCELLED
Patrick Julier & Ruth Knight
Tuesday, 28 September 2021, 9.30am to 11.30am
Microsoft Teams
Hosted by octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk
Please note this session will be run online over Microsoft Teams - further details will be sent directly to attendees.
- Creating a Data Matrix from your CRFs
- Data Matrix to a digital CRF
- Testing the digital CRFs
- Migrating to live
- OpenClinica interfaces with RRAMP and OC_tms
- Initial subject load and randomisation/registration data.
- CRF scheduling
- Query/DCF management
- Stopping/skipping CRFs
- CRF data
- Reports
- Patient trackers
There is no prerequisite training necessary for this session per se, but it would be useful to attend our CRF Design (Paper & Electronic) workshop before attending this training session.
Places must be booked for this course.
Please email octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk to reserve your space. A University/NHS email address should be used when making your booking.