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This is a multi-centre randomised controlled trial of a treatment patient aimed to reduce the frequency of falls in those with Parkinson's disease.


Parkinson's disease is a common, progressive condition that affects the body's nervous system. Over time people with Parkinson's disease are likely to become less steady, less able to move around within their homes and outside and more prone to falls. Although drugs are available to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, reduced balance control and falls do not respond to drugs as well as some other symptoms respond. There is some evidence that physiotherapy can help but to date there are insufficient research findings to quantify the benefits for people with Parkinson's disease. This study is aimed at quantifying these benefits together with the costs incurred and any health service cost savings. PDSAFE is a novel personalised treatment based on the latest published research evidence and our extensive experience of managing the movement and stability problems of people with Parkinson's disease. Our main question is, do people with Parkinson's disease who follow PDSAFE exercises and fall prevention strategies fall less often than those who do not during the 6 months of treatment? 

Trial Publications

The study protocol publication can be found here.

The primary results publication can be found here.

A secondary results publication can be found here.

A narrative publication can be found here

A further secondary results publication can be found here