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OBJECTIVE: To finer linkage-map a primary osteoarthritis (OA) susceptibility locus as a prerequisite to linkage disequilibrium/association analysis. METHODS: A 50-cM interval of chromosome 11q that we had previously identified as harboring susceptibility to hip OA in a female sibling-pair cohort was subjected to finer linkage mapping. Thirty-five microsatellite markers with a mean marker interval of 1.4 cM were genotyped in 146 families containing female sibling pairs who were concordant for hip OA, as ascertained by total hip replacement. RESULTS: Two-point and multipoint linkage analysis revealed 2 distinct regions of linkage within the 50-cM interval. The first locus had a linkage interval of 11.9 cM and was centered at 81.5 cM from the 11p telomere, with a maximum multipoint logarithm of odds (LOD) score of 2.4. The second region had a linkage interval of 6.5 cM and was centered at 93.1 cM from the 11p telomere, with a maximum multipoint LOD score of 1.8. CONCLUSION: Dense linkage mapping has highlighted the presence of 2 loci on chromosome 11q, each conferring susceptibility to hip OA. Both loci are sufficiently narrow for association analysis to be undertaken.

Original publication





Arthritis rheum

Publication Date





1780 - 1783


Chromosome Mapping, Chromosomes, Human, Pair 11, Disease Susceptibility, Female, Humans, Microsatellite Repeats, Osteoarthritis, Hip