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The aim of this work is to get more informations about the decay-out of superdeformed bands. One of the best candidates in the mass A ≃ 150 region for that kind of research is the nucleus 151Tb. From previous works, it has been established that the first excited band goes lower in frequency than the band SD(1) [2], and it is the only known case in that mass region. One way to investigate these different behaviours, is to perform measurements of the average entry spin. The nucleus 151Tb has been populated via the fusion-evaporation reaction 130Te(27Al,6n) 151Tb at a beam energy of 155 MeV. This experiment has been performed at the Vivitron facility accelerator in Strasbourg using the Eurogam II spectrometer, consisting of 54 Germa nium detectors. It came out of this study, that the band SD(2) and band SD(3) feed the normal deformed well 9ℏ lower than the band SD(1). For the moment, it is not possible to explain the observed shell structure effects and to conclude about the statistical decay-out. The analysis is still under progress.



Acta physica polonica b

Publication Date





161 - 167