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WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS TOPIC?: Respiratory diseases (RDs) are the primary cause of death in older adults in China. However, there is limited evidence regarding the disparity in mortality rates of RDs between urban and rural areas among the elderly population. WHAT IS ADDED BY THIS REPORT?: The age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) due to RDs in the elderly population in both urban and rural areas of China has shown a consistent decrease. This trend is observed in both males and females. However, there was no significant change in the average annual percentage of ASMR for pneumonia among the urban elderly population and rural elderly men throughout the study period. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE?: Efforts should be made in China to reduce mortality from chronic lower respiratory disease and pneumonia among the elderly, particularly in urban populations.

Original publication





China cdc wkly

Publication Date





1125 - 1130


Mortality, Respiratory Diseases, Urban-rural Disparity