Influence of the HLA-DRB1 locus on susceptibility and severity in rheumatoid arthritis.
Hall FC., Weeks DE., Camilleri JP., Williams LA., Amos N., Darke C., Gibson K., Pile K., Wordsworth BP., Jessop JD.
We examined HLA-DR genotype risk in 288 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were carefully categorized for disease severity. Five hundred ethnically-matched bone-marrow donors were controls. A hierarchy of positive allelic associations was noted with DRB1*0401 (p < 10(-38), *0404,8 (p < 10(-43), *0405 (p < 10(-8), *10 (p < 10(-3) and *0101,2 (p < 10(-2), while DRB1*0403 was negatively associated (p = 0.02). The DRB1 genotype relative risks (and 95% CIs) for RA were: *0404,5,8/*0404,5,8 = 36.2 (15-87), *0401/*0404,5,8 = 31.3 (18-55), *401/*0401 = 18.8 (11-35), *0101,2/*0404,5,8 = 6.0 (2-14), *0101,2/*0401 = 6.4 (3-12), *0101,2/*0101,2 = 1.3 (0.3-6), *10/*0404,5,8 = 27.8 (5-148), *10/*0401 = 20.8 (5-89), *10/*0101,2 = 22.3 (5-96), *0404,5,8/DRX = 5.0 (3-8), *0401/DRX = 4.7 (3-7), *0101,2/DRX = 2.3 (1.4-4), *10/DRX = 3.4 (0.8-14). No significant correlation of DRB1 genotypes was found with severity of RA as judged by nodules or articular erosions.