Corrigendum: PRImary care Streptococcal Management (PRISM) study: in vitro study, diagnostic cohorts and a pragmatic adaptive randomised controlled trial with nested qualitative study and cost-effectiveness study
Little P., Hobbs FDR., Moore M., Mant D., Williamson I., McNulty C., Lasseter G., Cheng MYE., Leydon G., McDermott L., Turner D., Pinedo-Villanueva R., Raftery J., Glasziou P., Mullee M.
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The text in <jats:italic>Chapter 4, Results, Main findings, Complications</jats:italic> has been replaced with the following text [these data do not alter the economic modelling (which was based on the correct data), nor the inferences from the trial that the FeverPAIN score is the optimal management approach]:<jats:list list-type="simple"> <jats:list-item> <jats:p>There were very few complications in any trial groups: during the first trial phase there were two cases of otitis media and one case of cellulitis in the clinical score group and one case of cellulitis in the delayed antibiotic group; during the second trial phase (when using the FeverPAIN score) there were two cases of quinsy in the delayed antibiotic group and one case of otitis media in the RADT group.</jats:p> </jats:list-item> </jats:list> </jats:p>