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Systemic low-grade inflammatory markers are associated with proximal spread of neuropathic symptoms

Journal article

Zvonickova K. et al, (2024), Journal of pain, 25

Modifiable Risk Factors for Prevention in Dupuytren Disease: A UK Biobank Case-Control Study.

Journal article

Kang Y. et al, (2024), Plast reconstr surg, 153, 363e - 372e

The Molecular Signature of Neuropathic Pain in a Human Model System


Sandy-Hindmarch OP. et al, (2024)

Genetic correlations between migraine and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Journal article

Wiberg A. et al, (2023), Plast reconstr surg

Dupuytren's disease is a work-related disorder: results of a population-based cohort study.

Journal article

van den Berge BA. et al, (2023), Occup environ med

A Review of Common Hand Conditions.

Journal article

Wiberg A. et al, (2022), Jama, 328, 1771 - 1772

Global overview of the management of acute cholecystitis during the COVID-19 pandemic (CHOLECOVID study).

Journal article

Siriwardena AK. and CHOLECOVID Collaborative None., (2022), Bjs open, 6

Where are all the surgeons in clinical academia?

Journal article

McVeigh J. et al, (2022), Ann r coll surg engl

Genome-Wide Association Analysis In 401,583 Individuals Identifies Novel Therapeutic Targets for Haemorrhoids

Conference paper

Ahmed WULR. et al, (2021), British journal of surgery, 108

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