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The rate of nonunion in the MRI-detected occult scaphoid fracture

Journal article

Dean BJF. et al, (2024), The bone & joint journal, 106-B, 387 - 393

Clinical prediction models and the multiverse of madness.

Journal article

Riley RD. et al, (2023), Bmc med, 21

Harnessing the potential of data-driven strategies to optimise transfusion practice.

Journal article

Evans HG. et al, (2023), Br j haematol

Reporting guidelines used varying methodology to develop recommendations.

Journal article

Schlussel MM. et al, (2023), J clin epidemiol, 159, 246 - 256

Overinterpretation of findings in machine learning prediction model studies in oncology: a systematic review

Journal article

Dhiman P. et al, (2023), Journal of clinical epidemiology

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