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Does Multimorbidity Influence the Outcomes of Total Hip Replacement for Osteoarthritis?

Conference paper

Ferguson R. et al, (2021), British journal of surgery, 108

Primary cam morphology; bump, burden or bog-standard? A concept analysis.

Journal article

Dijkstra HP. et al, (2021), Br j sports med


Journal article

Alsousou J. et al, (2021), Bone joint j, 103-B

Primary stability of a proximally coated and tapered stem.

Journal article

Alsousou J. et al, (2021), Bone joint j, 103-B, 644 - 649

Association between hip joint impingement and lumbar disc disease in elite rowers.

Journal article

Wedatilake T. et al, (2021), Bmj open sport exerc med, 7

Measuring 3D growth plate shape: Methodology and application to cam morphology.

Journal article

Horenstein RE. et al, (2020), J orthop res

The Development of Cam Morphology during Adolescence: A Longitudinal Cohort of Elite Footballers and Controls

Conference paper

Fernquest S. and Antony Palmer, Mo Gimpel, Richard Birchall, John Broomfield, Thamidu Wedatilake, Hendrik Dijkstra, Thomas Lloyd, Claudio Pereira, Simon Newman, Andrew Carr, Sion Glyn-Jones None., (2020)

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