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Emma Jackson

Communications and Digital Media Officer

Digital media and creative social media wizard.

I have been working in the NDORMS Communications team for the last three years. My role is incredibly varied, and I am part of a wide range of communications activities!

I love bullet points. Here are a few.

  • Manage the NDORMS’ social media accounts – Twitter (I can’t bring myself to call it X), Facebook, LinkedIn 
  • Create snazzy graphics
  • Film and edit videos (my personal favourite is this one)
  • Produce the NDORMS’ weekly newsletter, The Bulletin
  • Update and maintain the website and Intranet
  • Writing news stories as needed
  • Support communications queries
  • Manage internal mailing lists
  • Arrange professional photography days (please get in touch if you need a photo for your profile!) 

When I am not at work I like reading, drawing, running, and whale watching.




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