Kinga Papiez
Research Associate in Mixed Methods Research
Kinga wrote her PhD thesis entitled “Making sense of transnational belonging and social citizenship – experiences of Polish migrants in the UK” at the University of Bath, and currently working to finalise the thesis. She conceptualises the notion of transnational belonging and identifies the principal types of transnational belonging in relation to two factors: an assumed time of stay abroad, and motivation of migration. The thesis also explores three dimensions of the transnational belonging namely identification, attachment, and membership (e.g. health care, social benefits, and pension).
Kinga was also engaged as Research Assistant in TRANSWEL project
Kinga continues her research on understanding people experiences as a post-doctoral researcher in Mixed Methods at Oxford Trauma, NDORMS and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust based at the Kadoorie Centre at the John Radcliffe Hospital, in the new projects in which experiences of patients and medical staff in NHS are to be explored. She is involved in two projects: STIFF-F and SCIENCE.