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Research groups
Marta Pineda
Postdoctoral research assistant in Health Data
After completing a Masters’ degree in Biomedicine in 2016, I commenced working in the field of musculoskeletal research specifically focusing on the evaluation and management of the secondary effects of Aromatase Inhibitors in breast cancer patients.
I pursued this study further in a D Phil entitled "Epidemiological study of aromatase inhibitors in women diagnosed with breast cancer: evaluation and management of secondary effects" at the University of Barcelona (UB) .
My background includes experience in studies using routinely collected (real world) health data, experience in pharmacoepidemiology and knowledge of data sciences, medical statistics and epidemiology.
Recent publications
Journal article
Barclay NL. et al, (2024), Frontiers in oncology, 14
Journal article
Pineda-Moncusí M. et al, (2024), Sci data, 11
Journal article
Pineda-Moncusí M. et al, (2023), Rheumatology (oxford), 62, 3592 - 3600
Allery F. et al, (2023)
Conference paper
Hasheminasab SA. et al, (2023), Annu int conf ieee eng med biol soc, 2023, 1 - 4