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Research groups
Martí Català Sabaté
Medical Statistician/Data Scientist
I am a postdoctoral data scientist using routinely collected health data to generate reliable evidence for improved patient care. I work within the Pharmaco- and Device Epidemiology group at the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (CSM).
My research focuses on generating evidence on the safety, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of medicines and procedures. To do so, I develop R packages and code to curate and analyse the data from millions of routinely recorded health care interactions. We use a common data model developed by the OHDSI community to transform disparate sources of healthcare data, into a standard format. Our data partners across Europe and the world all transform their data into this format. We can then perform data analyses across all these datasets, sharing only analytic code and aggregated results between sites. This approach allows us to safely combine data and generate more generalisable answers to research questions than if we were restricted to single datasets.
I also contribute to the DARWIN EU project as a programmer and study leader. This European Medicines Agency project will deliver real-world evidence from across Europe on diseases, populations, and the use and performance of medicines.
Before joining CSM, I completed my PhD thesis in Computational and Applied Physics at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. There I built computational models to understand the natural history of tuberculosis. I also built computational models to predict the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, which were used by the Catalan authorities and European Commission (DG-Connect).
Recent publications
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the COVID-19 Asymptomatic Mass Testing Strategy in the North Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.
López Seguí F. et al, (2021), International journal of environmental research and public health, 18