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Stephen Gerry

BSc, MSc

Senior Medical Statistician and NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow

Based in the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (CSM), I investigate the use of statistical methods to develop and test early warning scores. These scores combine a patient's routinely measured vital signs, such as their blood pressure and heart rate, in an algorithm to identify patients at risk of deteriorating. Hospital staff almost universally across the NHS use these scores every day. As vital signs are increasingly recorded electronically instead of on paper charts, we have a great opportunity to improve the algorithms. In collaboration with other statisticians and doctors, I hope to develop better and more sophisticated algorithms, so that more patients will be prevented from unnecessary harm and hospital staff's time will be used more efficiently. This doctoral research project is funded by the NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship Programme.

My broad research interests are statistical analysis and statistical methodology in prediction modelling and randomised clinical trials. I have several years’ experience working as a trial statistician, providing support to several clinical trials. These include studies such as ART (the Arterial Revascularisation Trial), with 5-year interim results recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine; RAMPP (Randomised Ambulatory Management of Primary Pneumothorax); and RESPECT-Meso (Regular Early SPEcialist symptom Control Treatment on quality of life in malignant Mesothelioma).

I teach on CSM’s annual Randomised Controlled Trials course. I sit on the London Central Research Ethics Committee, and as an independent member on several Data Monitoring and Trial Steering Committees. 

I joined CSM in 2012, after working at the Wales Cancer Trials Unit in Cardiff. Prior to this, I studied mathematics and medical statistics in Southampton.

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