EQUATOR Lightning Workshop 2019: Perfecting your elevator pitch
Jen de Beyer
Thursday, 14 February 2019, 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Hosted by UK EQUATOR Centre
Whether standing by your conference poster, at a professional networking event, or in the pub, the question is the same: "So, what is it that you do?" With that crucial 2 minute elevator pitch answer ready, you'll never say "ummmm" again!
You know your research is interesting and important. But how do you explain it quickly and get others interested and enthusiastic rather than confused and bored? We will show you how to identify and communicate the key features of your research in a range of situations where time is short and the person you’re talking to is not an expert - whether it’s Bill Gates in a lift, or your great aunt at a family party.
Have a research project in mind and we’ll help you develop a perfect elevator pitch to bring it to life.
This EQUATOR workshop will be led by Dr Jen de Beyer. Jen is CSM’s science writing, dissemination, and publication specialist. She’s here to help your research reach its full potential through clear, complete writing and communication skills that help you reach your target audience. She develops resources on how to write fantastic health research articles and teaches science writing skills through the UK EQUATOR Centre.
This free workshop is open to University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes staff and students. Please book your spot by emailing Caroline Struthers (caroline.struthers@csm.ox.ac.uk).
EQUATOR Lightning Workshops 2019
Light up your research with new writing and publication skills with EQUATOR Lightning Workshops. These monthly workshops are given by writing and methods experts from the UK EQUATOR Centre and the Centre for Statistics in Medicine. To hear about all EQUATOR courses in Oxford, please join our mailing list by sending a blank email to equator-oxford-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk.