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Escape Rooms

Hello again,

Just a short blog this week as it is half term.  I'm trying to work out how we might do an NDORMS research themed escape room at the moment and decided to share some of the resources I came across as part of the process.  If you have any ideas for puzzles, themes, tasks or other ideas that could be part of an NDORMS Escape Room please do get in touch.

Escape Rooms are usually a themed set of puzzles and tasks with an ultimate goal (often, but not always, to escape the room that the puzzles are in).  


Educational Escape Rooms

The Maths Institute created a Maths themed escape room aimed at students in Y11 upwards and has made all of the resources to recreate it available.

Active History have two free Escape Room resources on their website, one with a WW2 theme and another that is based in the time of the black death.

There are a range of websites hosting teacher created Escape Room themed activities to cover various topics.  For many of them you need to sign up to download the resources so I can't include them here but if you google Escape Room and KS2 (or the Key stage you are interested in) you'll find some of the websites.  Although they are often aimed at teachers you usually don't need to be one to sign up and many of the resources are free.


Design Your Own Escape Game

This website has some really good guides to designing your own escape room games with lots of ideas of things you can do (although they are promoting their own printable escape rooms too). It also features a game created by two kids where you have to save some dragon's eggs.  Why not get your kids to have a go at creating one too (I'd love to try my hand at solving it if they do).


Just for fun

Theater in Place has a set of videos and puzzles to have a go at.  When I wrote this there were three different adventures, one based on Alice in Wonderland, one on Peter Pan and one on Sherlock Holmes. 

Alternatively, an American library has created this Hogwarts themed game.


And finally ...

A quick plug.  Once we are back to something more normal, don't forget the NDORMS Board and Card games club.  We often play Escape Room type board and card games and I have a stock of them that we haven't played yet.  I'm also more than happy to recommend games to play (puzzle based or otherwise) while we're on lockdown.  Just drop me a line.  For loads of information on board games including free Print and Play games, and other downloads like missing instructions then I recommend exploring Board Game Geek.







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