OCTRU Workshop (STATS): Trial Outcomes - What are we trying to measure?
Ines Rombach
Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 10am to 12pm
Microsoft Teams
Hosted by octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk
Please note this session will be run online over Microsoft Teams - further details will be sent directly to attendees.
- The different types of outcomes
- Different approaches for measuring outcomes (thinking about the how, who, what, and when)
- Considerations around interpreting primary and secondary outcomes, as well as adverse effects (harms)
- How the choice of outcome can have an impact on the trial design, success of the trial and its generalisability
Prerequisite Training
There is no prerequisite training necessary for this session.
Places must be booked for this course.
Please email octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk to reserve your space. A University/NHS email address should be used when making your booking.