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OxSCAR organises termly educational meetings for trainees, foundation doctors, medical students and anyone else who is interested.

Hands type on a laptop keyboard. Overlaid over the image is an icon of a lightbulb in white.

Due to the pandemic, we haven’t had any in-person meetings recently, but we do try to organise online events. Our last online meeting was a Surgical Trainees NIHR CRN Research Webinar where we discussed collaborative research projects and clinical trials.

Future webinars and/or in person meetings will be announced on this website and on our Twitter page. You can also send us an e-mail on to be added to the OxSCAR mailing list so you won’t miss any events!

In addition to educational meetings, we also organise socials for a get together and drinks. Keep an eye out for these events on this page and/or on our Twitter account.

Termly Educational Meetings

Autumn  Global surgery & anaesthesia logo
Spring 'From Surgeon to CEO: Turning Experience into Enterprise'
Winter 'Academic Pathways'