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This study involved the development and testing of a system for the simultaneous in vitro measurement of tibiofemoral kinematics and patellofemoral kinematics and forces. Knee motion was tracked using a Vicon 370, and patellofemoral force was measured using a six degree-of-freedom transducer based on the design of Singerman et al. Using this system, twelve knee specimens were tested in supine leg extension under a simulated quadriceps force. The comprehensive set of results corresponds well to the individual results of previous studies. The measurement system will be of value in assessing the effects of total knee arthroplasty on patellar function.

Original publication





J biomech eng

Publication Date





351 - 356


Biomechanical Phenomena, Cadaver, Equipment Design, Equipment Failure Analysis, Femur, Humans, In Vitro Techniques, Knee Joint, Patella, Physical Examination, Physical Stimulation, Range of Motion, Articular, Stress, Mechanical, Tibia, Transducers