Research groups
Kim López Güell
DPhil student
I work on leveraging real world data to assess the long-term impact of COVID-19, and I am interested in applying mathematical and statistical methods to medical science.
I am a DPhil student working on leveraging real world data to characterise the long-term impact of COVID-19. I use routinely collected primary care health data mapped to a common data model which allows me to work with other partners across the world to produce better evidence. I work on profiling, phenotyping and also applying different statistical models and analyses to study COVID-19, in particular its long-term effects. I am specially interested in causal inference and machine learning techniques, and I am very keen on applying mathematical and statistical methods in medical science.
Before joining the Centre for Statistics in Medicine, I graduated from Mathematics and from Physics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). I then moved to Oxford to study an MSc in Mathematical Sciences, where I took mainly Statistics courses and wrote my Dissertation on The impact of COVID-19 passport mandates on the number of cases of and hospitalisations with COVID-19 in the UK: a difference-in-differences analysis.
In my spare time I love to read, do all kinds of sports and spend time with my friends. Nature is one of the things that makes me happier.