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Muhammad Hanif Nadhif
ir., B.Eng.
DPhil Student
Developing a humanoid bioreactor as a screening device for tendon biomaterials
My name is Muhammad Hanif Nadhif (Hanif). I am a DPhil student in Musculoskeletal Sciences program, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS), University of Oxford. I was trained as a mechanical engineer at the Universitas Indonesia for my bachelor’s degree (graduated in August 2015). Meanwhile, my biomedical engineering master’s degree was earned from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands (graduated in July 2018).
Prior to the DPhil study, I worked as a junior lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (UI), and a researcher at the Medical Technology Cluster, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI), Universitas Indonesia. My research focuses at that time included biomaterials, biomechanics, tissue engineering, and medical devices. I also gained research experiences when working as a research assistant at the Microfabrication Group at the UI led by A/Prof. Yudan Whulanza and as a graduate intern at the Philips Research Europe, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Apart from research, I also learned about manufacturing system when working as an intern at the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.
One of my research works at the IMERI was developing a tissue engineering bioreactor. That is also the main reason why I applied for a DPhil position with a focus on developing a humanoid bioreactor as a screening device for tendon biomaterials at the Mouthuy Group. Working with this topic means that I need to determine the robustness of the bioreactor when mechanically stimulating biomaterials based on the consistency of the biomechanical and biological outcomes. In the DPhil study, I am supervised by A/Prof. Pierre-Alexis Mouthuy and co-supervised by A/Prof. Sarah Snelling.
Key publications
Anatomically and Biomechanically Relevant Monolithic Total Disc Replacement Made of 3D-Printed Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Journal article
Nadhif MH. et al, (2022), Polymers, 14, 4160 - 4160
Biomechanically Compliant Gynecologic Training Simulator
Journal article
Nadhif MH. et al, (2022), Simulation in healthcare: the journal of the society for simulation in healthcare, Publish Ahead of Print
Recent Advances in 3D Printed Wound Dressings
Conference paper
Nadhif MH. et al, (2021), 5th biomedical engineerings recent progress in biomaterials, drugs development, and medical devices, 2344
Tailoring mechanical properties and degradation rate of maxillofacial implant based on sago starch/polylactid acid blend.
Journal article
Whulanza Y. et al, (2022), Heliyon, 8
The Role of 3D-Printed Phantoms and Devices for Organ-specified Appliances in Urology.
Journal article
Agung NP. et al, (2021), Int j bioprint, 7
Reflecting on Mechanical Functionalities in Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering Purposes
Journal article
Nadhif MH. et al, (2020), International journal of technology, 11, 1066 - 1075
PDMS Surface Modification Using Biomachining Method for Biomedical Application
Journal article
Whulanza Y. et al, (2016), Journal of biomimetics, biomaterials and biomedical engineering, 26, 66 - 72