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The Department of Statistics and the Oxford local branch of the Royal Statistical Society welcome all those with an interest in statistics to join this co-sponsored afternoon talk.


Davina P. Durgana, PhD is an award-winning international human rights statistician and professor with almost 15 years of experience developing leading global models to assess risk to modern slavery. She is Senior Multilateral Engagement Advisor of the Minderoo Foundation and Senior Statistician and a Report Co-Author of the Global Slavery Index of Walk Free. The Minderoo Foundation is one of the largest philanthropies in Asia-Pacific with over $2 billion AUD in funding across an array of issues from eliminating plastic waste in the oceans to ending modern slavery.

Dr Durgana is an AAAS Ambassador, Co-Lead of Forbes Under 30 DC Alumni board, and serves on the Board of Directors of Free the Slaves. She is an American Statistical Association Statistical Advocate of the Year, Acting Chair of Statistics without Borders, and has been widely recognised for her work on statistical modeling, human security theory, and human trafficking. She collaborated on two episodes of the Emmy-nominated series Mission Unstoppable and will be featured in upcoming book Wonder Women of Science by Candlewick Publishers to help encourage women and girls to see the ways STEM can be used in everyday life and exciting fields.

Dr Durgana has over 27 publications and she is a prolific and effective public speaker. She has given over 100 invited talks, including over 30 keynote addresses. She is a Royal Chartered and Professionally Accredited Statistician. Since 2013, she has also served as a Professor of Research Methods, Irregular Warfare, International Development, Global Public Health, and Inclusive and Human Security at leading universities.


Dr Durgana will present her insights on the use of statistics in the global modern slavery vulnerability and prevalence field over the past decade. She will present work on the Global Estimates of Modern Slavery with the United Nations, Global Slavery Index, and on application of Multiple Systems Estimation throughout Europe with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. She will also discuss compelling developments within leading national governments on prevalence estimation and how this work engages with the global policy community.


The talk will be hosted on Zoom. Please complete a short booking form on the Department of Statistics website to recieve joining instructions.

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