MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit
University of Southampton
STAR Programme
STAR - Support and Treatment After Replacement
RUDY Study
Rare diseases of the bones, joints and blood vessels
Rafael Pinedo-Villanueva
BA, MSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
- Senior Health Economist
Understanding diseases and healthcare interventions to help inform decision-making in health
How do diseases affect people’s health and quality of life? What burden do interventions place on the healthcare system, patients , and their families? What decisions should healthcare systems make as they spend limited resources? With my work I try to answer these questions with regards to a wide variety of diseases, with a particular interest in musculoskeletal conditions. My work focuses primarily on osteoporosis and fracture prevention, osteoarthritis, and rare musculoskeletal diseases such as osteogenesis imperfecta and XLH.
I use routinely collected data (real-world evidence) to understand the journey that people with these diseases make as they receive care, what this costs the healthcare system, and how their quality of life is affected. I use all this information to build economic models that can then help us better understand what the most efficient ways of treating patients are likely to be.
I lead the Health Economics and Outcomes Research Group within the Centre for Statistics in Medicine in the Department. Our portfolio includes a wide range of projects on different therapeutic areas, interventions, data sources, and methods, as well as the health economic component of primarily clinical studies lasting anywhere from one to seven years. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), charity organisations both national and international, and industry partners are the main funders of our research. My work is highly collaborative as our research is undertaken working together with medics, statisticians, allied health professionals, and patients themselves.
I teach at the taught MSc in Musculoskeletal Sciences and DPhil programme in the Department, as well as on the Real World Epidemiology Oxford Summer School and the Oxford Global Surgery course.
I studied Economics and Political Science in the United States, completed an MSc in Public Policy in Venezuela, and then went on to do an MSc and PhD in Health Economics in the UK. Having studied in three so different countries, it is no surprise I am captivated by diversity, of any and all kinds but especially historical, political, cultural, ethnic, even gastronomical, and simply in terms of what matters to people as they go about and make decisions in their lives.
Key publications
Pinedo-Villanueva R. et al, (2019), Calcif tissue int, 104, 137 - 144
Pinedo-Villanueva R. et al, (2018), Bmc musculoskelet disord, 19
Burn E. et al, (2018), Bmj open, 8
Burn E. et al, (2018), Bmj open, 8
Forestier-Zhang L. et al, (2016), Orphanet j rare dis, 11
Recent publications
Chronic pain – A global problem demanding local evidence and guidelines
Pinedo-Villanueva R. and Espinoza M., (2024), Value in health regional issues
Sangiorgi L. et al, (2024), Orphanet journal of rare diseases, 19
Valsamis EM. et al, (2024), Lancet rheumatol, 6, e607 - e614
Development of a patient-centred tool for use in total hip arthroplasty
Lubbeke A. et al, (2024), Plos one