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SITU announces a trio of new trials


SITU-NDORMS has announced the launch of three major new clinical trials. Funded by the NIHR, these studies are providing evidence for the treatment of chronic low back pain, knee osteoarthritis, and ACL injuries.

Patients can interrupt treatment of immune-supressing medicines for two-weeks in order to boost immunity provided by COVID-19 booster vaccine, finds major study


A major clinical trial, led by the University of Nottigham and managed by the Oxford Clinical trials Research Unit (OCTRU), has shown that people with inflammatory conditions are able to improve the antibody response from a COVID-19 booster vaccination by interrupting their treatment for two weeks immediately after having the vaccine.

Jonathan Cook made Professor of Clinical Trials and Medical Statistics


Jonathan Cook was successful in the 2023 University Recognition of Distinction exercise

OCTRU Pashion Study In the News


The ongoing PASHION study being ran by the Surgical Intervention Trials Unit group was in the BBC news last week.

Antibiotic bone cement found not to reduce infection after hip replacement


A large trial has found that using high-dose dual-antibiotic loaded cement is unlikely to reduce the risk of surgical site infection in people who have had a hip replacement.

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